欧盟评估非转基因桔青霉菌株NP 11–15出产的核酸内切酶的平安性时候:2024-10-11 13:41来历:食物火伴网作者: 泽夕 焦点提醒:2024年10月10日,欧盟食物平安局就一种食物酶核酸内切酶(endonuclease)的平安性评价发布定见。
食物火伴网讯 2024年10月10日,欧盟食物平安局就一种食物酶核酸内切酶(endonuclease)的平安性评价发布定见。 据领会,这类食物酶是由非转基因桔青霉菌株NP 11 15出产的,旨在用在酵母和酵母产物的加工。 颠末评估,专家小组认为,在预期的利用前提下,不克不及解除经由过程饮食接触引发过敏反映的风险,特殊是对青霉菌过敏的人。按照所供给的数据,小组得出结论,该食物酶在预期的利用前提下不会引发平安问题。部门原文报导以下: The food enzyme endonuclease (Aspergillus nuclease S1; EC is produced with the non-genetically modified Penicillium citrinum strain NP 11 15 by Shin Nihon Chemical Co., Ltd. The food enzyme is free from viable cells of the production organism. It is intended to be used in the processing of yeast and yeast products. Dietary exposure to the food enzyme total organic solids (TOS) was estimated to be up to 0.006 mg TOS/kg body weight (bw) per day in European populations. Genotoxicity tests did not indicate a safety concern. The systemic toxicity was assessed by means of a repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study in rats. The Panel identified a no observed adverse effect level of 1010 mg TOS/kg bw per day, the highest dose tested, which when compared with the estimated dietary exposure, resulted in a margin of exposure of at least 168,333. A search for homology of the amino acid sequence of the food enzyme to known allergens was made and no match was found. The Panel considered that the risk of allergic reactions by dietary exposure cannot be excluded, especially for individuals allergic to Penicillium. However, the likelihood of such reactions will not exceed the likelihood of allergic reactions to Penicillium. based on the data provided, the Panel concluded that this food enzyme does not give rise to safety concerns under the intended conditions of use. 本文由食物火伴网食物资讯中间编纂,供网友参考,有任何疑问,请联系news@foodmate.net。